You have made a great decision!

So that you do not feel lost on Sunday, this 2 minute rundown should help answer any questions that you have, and help calm any nerves about visiting a new church.
What is your name?

Sunday Service FAQ

At 10:30am we cover announcements and pray for the requests of the people.
By roughly 10:40am we have begun worship service with a mixture of songs from hymns to contemporary and everything in between.
Around 11:00am or just after the Pastor will begin his sermon.
Typically, the sermon is 30 minutes.

If you are somebody that likes to fellowship and get to know people, come in as early as 10:00am and enjoy some of the most friendly people you have ever met.
If you are somebody that is just wanting to see if this church feels right, the times that we have listed above are not perfect but they are decently accurate for the average Sunday.

No matter the time on Sunday that you arrive at the church, please use the main entrance door. It is the second door from the parking lot and has a sign above it that says "Main Entrance".

Our current church building is a split level building and the sanctuary is up the stairs from the entrance.

Where Do I park?

The church is at 3113 Droste Road.
To get to our parking lot from Droste Road, you would turn onto Ruth Drive, and then again onto Essex Drive.

If you arrive at the church and the parking lot is full, we have never had an issue with congregants parking along side the parking lot on Essex Drive.
If the parking lot section of Essex Drive is full, please park in the Day Camp section of McNair Park across the street from the church.

Children's Church & More

We have a wonderful children's church & nursery ministry at the church. When you arrive at the church with your kids bring them into the sanctuary with you. All of the kids ages 1-13 are welcome in our nursery, junior kids, and intermediate kids classes that begin after the worship time in the sanctuary has concluded.
For any newborns that have not yet turned 1, we also have a cry room and private nursery on the sanctuary level available for diaper changes, nap time, feeding, and all of your other needs. 
Let us know who to expect for nursery and children's church so that we can best be prepared.

Safety Contact Information

Please provide us a good number for the children's church & nursery to use in case emergency.

We are always trying to improve

After Sunday is done, we would love to know about your experience. We are always trying to refine our operations and make sure that we have clear communication. Your feedback would be invaluable to us. If you would allow us to send you a short email after Sunday, it would be appreciated. 

God Bless You!

We are excited about seeing you Sunday!