The Giving Tree Project for October-December 2024
We want to raise funds to help supply all of the children in the Smoky Mountain Children's Home with Christmas presents this year! Year round this organization provides shelter, food, counseling, education, and more to hundreds of children that either have no family or have been removed from their family by state organizations. We believe that the world would be a much more beautiful place if our community in St Charles, Missouri helped to provide Christmas presents for these children. There is nothing more beautiful than children that have so little to receive a gift of love from people that may never meet them. Be a part of letting these children know that they are not abandoned or forgotten. Help us show these children that they are seen and loved. You can make your donations directly below by selecting "Missions - Smoky Mountain Children's Home" and 100% of everything given will go to this amazing cause.
As a sign to our community of the beautiful difference that they are making in these children's lives by helping to donate to this cause, we are going to decorate the giving tree in the church yard on Droste Road. Beginning in October it is going to feel a little more like Christmas in St Charles! Whether you are at McNair Park, driving down Droste Rd, sitting at the stop sign on Ruth Dr, or walking to St Charles West High School, we hope that seeing it makes you smile. It is a very small token of appreciation to our community to show that St Charles is shining a light to the children that need it most during this holiday season. At all times through this season, we hope that you are blessed, and that this small showing of something beautiful can brighten your season. Feel free to take pictures in front of the tree and decorations; you are always welcome at Family Fellowship.
As a sign to our community of the beautiful difference that they are making in these children's lives by helping to donate to this cause, we are going to decorate the giving tree in the church yard on Droste Road. Beginning in October it is going to feel a little more like Christmas in St Charles! Whether you are at McNair Park, driving down Droste Rd, sitting at the stop sign on Ruth Dr, or walking to St Charles West High School, we hope that seeing it makes you smile. It is a very small token of appreciation to our community to show that St Charles is shining a light to the children that need it most during this holiday season. At all times through this season, we hope that you are blessed, and that this small showing of something beautiful can brighten your season. Feel free to take pictures in front of the tree and decorations; you are always welcome at Family Fellowship.
About us
We provide exceptional care for at-risk children and teens through our Adoption, Foster Care and Residential programs. Through family counseling, individual therapy, educational opportunities and structured group living, the Smoky Mountain Children’s Home provides a continuum of care tailored for each child's need. Creating a safe and supportive environment allows each child to discover their talents and build on their strengths. This is accomplished by the excellent care of a trained staff and provides each child the opportunity to overcome the circumstances of their past, while exploring a world of opportunity for their future.
Smoky Mountain Children’s Home is a private, faith based, non-profit, multi-service agency that provides care, love, and healing to children and youth who have no one else to advocate for or care for them. This mission is mandated by the Word of God in James 1:27 (NLT), “Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” A continuum of quality programs is offered to meet the unique needs of children of different ages, capacities, races and creeds, as well as their families.
Today, as in the early years of Smoky Mountain Children’s Home development, fundamental beliefs guided the efforts of our Board of Directors and staff. They are as follows: (1) A belief that every child, despite apparent disabilities and inadequacies, has a right to the opportunity to be a worthwhile part of their environment; (2) To accept children and youth regardless of deficiencies; and (3) To encourage each child toward satisfying and supportive relationships, fulfillment, self-respect and dignity. The belief in the personal worth and importance of individuals entrusted to our care has remained a guiding principle.
Adherence to these principles has governed our growth and shaped the development of our treatment approaches and services. Years of experience and evaluation have helped us translate these central beliefs into practical approaches for SMCH. A measure of our success is how effectively each child or youth becomes better equipped to live with others in community, as well as with themselves.
We are dedicated to achieving excellence and will use our professional knowledge and resources to advocate, enrich and empower the lives of children and families. Our vision is to become a complete child and family service agency providing an array of programs that are family focused and serve to strengthen, preserve and reunify families. When reunification is not an option, our goal is to provide children and youth with permanency.
Adherence to these principles has governed our growth and shaped the development of our treatment approaches and services. Years of experience and evaluation have helped us translate these central beliefs into practical approaches for SMCH. A measure of our success is how effectively each child or youth becomes better equipped to live with others in community, as well as with themselves.
We are dedicated to achieving excellence and will use our professional knowledge and resources to advocate, enrich and empower the lives of children and families. Our vision is to become a complete child and family service agency providing an array of programs that are family focused and serve to strengthen, preserve and reunify families. When reunification is not an option, our goal is to provide children and youth with permanency.